A group of about 30 folks from Radius spent an hour Saturday night trolling the halls of Lexington Extended Care and singing carols to residents. Now caroling is not my main gifting, as I don't have a good ear for music. In fact, when I lived in Russia my Russian friends told me that a 'cow stepped on my ear', which is their euphemism for people like me who can't carry a tune. But nevertheless, it was a great time to sing to these dear old people, to watch some of them smile, to see them sing along. It was also special for the people who were there visiting family, as they brought their loved ones out of their rooms and into the main rooms to enjoy some time together with them. I am all too well acquainted with extended care facilities/nursing homes. My mother spent the last 3 years of her life in a nursing home with advanced dementia and Alzheimers. I would go and visit her there whenever possible and after I spoke a few words to her in the first few minutes, there was not much to say or do, as she was bedridden at this time. So it was always a very painful and even awkward experience for me even though it was my mother, so it was especially meaningful to me to see these middle-aged sons and daughters bringing their parents into these rec rooms and enjoying some live caroling with them. In this context there was no need for conversation, they could just sit and hold hands and enjoy the moment. Also, our children did a great job. Their simple presence brings great joy and hope to these senior adults so we really appreciate them participating in this ministry with us. We will repeat it, stay tuned for more . . .
Todd Carnes
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