Building marriages is the work of the church . .
Tonight I was privileged to hang out with one of our small groups during their end of semester celebration. This is a small group of young married couples that has spent the last several months meeting together for one purpose - to strengthen their marriages. They are all young couples who haven't had children yet and it is awesome that they are building a firm foundation that will be a place of safety, stability and strength for their future children. Tonight we talked about how God would have us take this group and their tight relationships and leverage that to reach out to other couples who just need some friends and encouragement. After almost 10 years of pastoral ministry, I can tell you that there are a lot of people really suffering in their marriages and they suffer because there is no one to talk to about the issues. If we can build anything at Radius, I pray to God that we can build a place where people can walk in and feel totally safe sharing the deep, painful issues of life, without any fear of judgment or condemnation. The only alternative is to just keep struggling through life with little or no hope of overcoming the issues that haunt you. Do you have friends or neighbors that need this kind of encouragement in their marriage? We will kick off again in late January with another group of young couples and work to build them into strong families that can invest themselves in God's eternal purposes on the earth.
Todd Carnes

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